We talk about political issues on this blog, and one of my stated
purposes here is to convince people that the politically conservative worldview
is more in line with the Bible than the Liberal/Leftist/Progressive alternative
is. But that raises an interesting (at least to me) couple of questions: What
is Conservatism, and what is Liberalism? Or to clarify it further, what’s the
difference between the two?
Is there one overarching
principle or motif or dividing line between the two philosophies, a “fork in
the road” which leads to their disparate takes on different issues, such as
abortion, the death penalty, war, welfare, etc.?
Let me clarify and try
to define what I’m examining here. In this discussion, I’m going to hold to Dennis
Prager’s maxim, “Clarity over agreement.” I used one of my conservative friends
as a sounding board on what really divides liberals and conservatives, and he
immediately responded with “Liberals are wrong
on the issues, enough said!” That’s not the approach I’m taking here at all. I’m
going to leave aside—for the moment—all considerations of which side is right
and which side is wrong. As opposed to most of my other postings on this blog,
my purpose is clarification, not persuasion. At least, I’m not trying to persuade
anyone of anything directly. I have a
working theory on the dividing line between conservatives and liberals, and I’d
like to put it out there for your consideration. After that, we’ll try to see
how Scripture applies to this theory. I don’t have all that much invested in
this, however, so if someone proves me wrong on it, I’m certainly open to
So what’s the pattern,
or is there one? Why are conservatives (generally) opposed to abortion but
support the death penalty, and why do liberals tend to take the opposite
viewpoint? Why are conservatives less reluctant to use military force than
liberals? Why do conservatives distrust the U.N., while liberals see it in a
much more positive light? There are whole host of issues on which they
disagree: gun control, same-sex marriage, how to help those in need, the
morality (or lack thereof) of Capitalism (which I like to call the Free Market
System), etc.
Before we get to my theory, I’d like to examine some
popular alternative ones.
Among conservatives,
one popular idea is that conservatism is based on cold facts, logic, and a
realistic view of human nature, while liberalism is based on emotionalism, on
how you feel, along with a belief in the innate goodness of humanity. Let’s say
that you have a conservative (hereafter referred for brevity as a “con”) and a
liberal (hereafter a “lib”) who encounter a homeless man on a street corner
begging for change. The lib says “Poor man! Let’s give him some money.” The con
says “No. Before we give him any money, we need to ask ourselves if we’re doing
him any good by handing him money. If
he’s a drunk or a drug addict, then we’re harming more than helping.” The lib
accuses the con of being cold-hearted and stingy, while the con accuses the lib
of being naïve and harming the people he’s trying to help. The lib sees a needy
person, and immediately wants to rush in and help them (using the power of the government),
while the con is restrained by the Hippocratic Oath “First do no harm.”
I think there’s a lot
of truth to that, although I could very easily be biased. And I have to admit
that liberals might strongly disagree with how I presented their position
above. Having said that, I thoroughly believe that Liberalism/Progressivism
relies on emotion-based arguments rather than logic. Look at how quickly a con
is called a name such as “racist” or “homophobe” or “intolerant” by a lib in
place of a real argument against the con’s positions. How often do you see libs
changing their position after examining statistical evidence on whether a government
program works?
Dennis Prager asks a
really good question regarding this. People tend to start out in life more
liberal, then tend to become more conservative as they get older, get married,
and have children. So he asks libs, “Do you think you’re wiser than you were twenty years ago, or less wise?” Of course,
everybody says “More wise. I made a lot of stupid choices when I was young.” So
if that’s true, isn’t it an argument against Liberalism? Younger people tend to
think that they’re going to “change the world” and “make a difference,” which
usually translates into a Leftist viewpoint. But as someone once put it, “A
conservative is a liberal who got mugged by reality.”
Another theory that
cons advance is that libs harbor a “power hungry” or “nanny” instinct. As
Thomas Sowell put it so well in his classic Vision
of the Anointed, and as Jonah Goldberg put it in Liberal
Fascism, conservatives by and large just want to be left alone. We want
less government interference in our lives and in society as a whole. As a joke
I recently heard puts it, “Have you heard about the massive Tea Party
conspiracy? They want to take over the federal government, then leave everybody
the heck alone.” If you take Leftism to its extreme, it’s Communism. If you
take Conservatism to its extreme, you
get anarchy. Now, anarchy is really really bad. And no one seriously wants
that. But we want—as a general rule—to have less control by force over peoples’
lives, not more.
Here's a cartoon I saw recently which illustrates the converse of this pretty well:
Here's a cartoon I saw recently which illustrates the converse of this pretty well:
Libs—with two
exceptions, which we’ll examine momentarily—tend to want to control more and
more of your life. As a thought experiment, when you get up next morning, try
to find something that isn’t
regulated by government. The bed you wake up in. The light switch you turn on.
The electricity that powers it. The carpet you step out onto. The milk you pull
out of the fridge. The clothes you wear. The car you drive to work. Et cetera.
I’m not saying that all government is bad. But libs are always looking to
regulate our lives more.
There are just a
couple of issues I can think of off the top of my head in which the cons are
more in favor of government regulation than the libs. One I can think of is abortion.
Some libs are uncomfortable with abortion, and there are some Pro-Life Democrats. But those numbers are rapidly dwindling,
especially at the national level. By and large—and reflected in their party
platform and in their leaders’ statements—they tend to oppose any
restrictions on the practice.
Another is the illegal
drug trade. Conservatives tend to be more in favor of continuing the war on
illegal drugs, such as marijuana, heroin, or cocaine, while libs tend to be
more ambivalent towards the current drug policies. We should note concerning
this, however, that support for or opposition against the current drug policies
often crosses party lines: There are some Republicans (with a libertarian
streak) who want to decriminalize “pot,” while there are quite a few Democrats
who don’t want to change our drug policy, or at least aren’t making any such
change a priority. I myself am trying to work out a coherent (not to mention
biblical) viewpoint on this issue, and I kind of go back and forth on it.
Some might answer “But
Keith, what about homosexuality and same-sex marriage? Don’t you want to tell
people how to run their lives in that arena?” Well, I don’t know of any
Christian who’s openly proposing to make homosexual practice illegal. I don’t think it’s the
government’s job to regulate personal sexual practices; it’s the church’s job
to share the Good News of Christ and call for repentance from all types of sin. What we can’t
accomplish by prayer and persuasion we leave alone. But what most conservatives
are officially opposed to is the legal redefinition of marriage to include
homosexual couples. To expand this definition of marriage, to include all the
legal benefits, is an expansion of
state power, not a diminution of it.
But my point is that
with a handful of exceptions, libs generally want to control your personal life
more (with the force of government),
while cons generally want to control your life less. We might come off as more moralistic, since we typically
bemoan cultural and societal trends which we see as negative, such as the acceptance
of homosexuality and other forms of sexual immorality. But to be brutally
frank, the notion that libs are more tolerant of dissent is risible. They tend
to be tolerant of people they like and who think like them. Others, not so
As I hope I’ve made
clear, both of the theories above (emotion vs. logic, control vs. freedom) have
some merit to them. But there is one aspect to the Left/Right divide which I think isn't discussed enough, and I want to correct that. There's a pattern I've noticed between political/social conservatives and those on the Left.
And that paradigm is.
. . distinctions. Whether you tend to blur them or acknowledge them. The
liberal viewpoint typically discounts them or ignores them, while the conservative
focuses on them and tries to act accordingly. I think that this dividing line,
this fork in the road, leads to just about every other position on which they
part ways.
I’m running a bit long
here, so I’ll go into this more in the next post.
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